Friday, July 8, 2011

july 8, i know, i have been a terrible blogger :(

ive been really bad, i KNOW. i haven't posted anything in a whole month. i went out of town a couple times, each time for a week or so, and have been a little out of the loop; been working and also, getting to help a little with visual at anthro; plus, my husband and i got another dog (hehe! we are a little dog crazy. it's an animal WONDERLAND! animals everywhere. all we need now are a few goats and a pig or something like a donkey or mule, so that when i open the door a couple dogs run in followed by some miscellaneous animals all around the same size, -a mixed, motley pack. like a mixed can of nuts and you just never know what will turn up next, how exciting. ...and they of course, would also need the essential cloud of cartoon dust around them like Pigpen from Peanuts/charlie brown, you know??!!...) ***....what happened? i think i passed out. ok anyways, ya, and i lost my camera for a couple weeks..thank the good Lord i found it, PHEW.

well anyways, now it's time to go, go, go because my painting show is coming up in a few weeks and of the four i still needed (not including another top section to an older one), i've got one painting almost done, two big paintings that need to be pushed in the direction of being finished (so maybe halfway there?), and one that i've yet to start. -that one has been a complete NIGHTMARE to construct, frame-wise. i originally had planned to make my last painting enormous and had spent way too many hours, (too many days?) putting it together and stretching it's canvas, bruising my hands, etc. nightmare...until i realized that the wood had been bowing. so, had to start that all over; it'll be a lot smaller but a good size piece, nonetheless (i believe around 3 by 3 feet).

i'll post some pictures of what i've got so far at the end of today but for now, LOOK at how cute this is, and Michael's, of all places, did it! wow, you go Michael's. (croche). it is so random and senseless and cute and i love it, who would have thought Michael's could turn that out? i almost got hit when i saw it and slowed down to take a picture.. so worth it

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