Wednesday, August 11, 2010

first one!

HELLO! ...or. no one. .... EITHER way ive decided i definitely need to be keeping a blog to record and think through my artistic progress! yay! doesnt that sound like something youll want to read every day!! ive been procrastinating with starting an online journal because honestly, ive been afraid if i wasnt ready for it, it'd end up like my 7th grade hello kitty journals: entry 1: "september 4, dear diary. a boy tripped over my skechers today, i am in love. dont tell anyone." entry 2: "may 15, dear diary. i wasnt allowed to watch saved by the bell the college days tonight, i get no respect." anyways, ....meaning i dont want to write stupid crap only every other 5 years that wont resonate with me, no less anybody else, after its been forever. i want to write stupid crap that will make me laugh, so i can be a loser hunched over the computer and giggling at my own jokes. hehe. well, and keep a timeline of my progress as an aspiring monet, times A WASTING kids and i aint no spring chicken im 24! this transformation into an old master with astounding vision and a skillset beyond my years needs to happen fast. before it does, its probably best that i be pushing myself mentally on here while the visuals are make my eventual work more compelling. are you awake. so ill throw in a few funny pictures of my assistant to keep your interest along the way. his name is bear and hes a dog. good so we've got an agreement. or you can read this and treat it like when i sneak in a few minutes of real housewives of new jersey to make myself feel better. either way just saying

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