Wednesday, June 1, 2011

june 1

my lil painting's coming along! arrrrrrg but my camera is killing me, it makes everything look so murky (we've been saving up for a good camera for a while..hopefully will be putting up good images sometime very soon)

i love the bottom right :)

this is probably what the title for my show this summer will look like yay! (couldnt upload my microsoft file onto here, so guess what you get? another cloudy picture DEAL WITH IT)

oh ya and i cleaned up my studio today, holy cow it was a junk heap let me tell you. i had two big boxes of TRASH. overflowing with trash. over.flowing. but it is all clean now and i re-did my wall with my inspiration pictures too :)

and this. well this is my little family of pigs that my husband put in my Christmas stocking last year, (he said they were to make me happy all day when im working by myself). the general species of pigs and i have a long history but that is a story for another time, stay tuned. until next time the force be with you

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