Monday, January 31, 2011

jan 31

''Sugary Paint, Peppermint", 1'6'' * 2'
"Cherry", 2'6'' * 3'4''
"Fruit Punch", 3' * 4'
"Black Cherry", 1'6 * 2'
"Condensed Milk", 1'6'' * 2'

ok! so it has been forever since ive made a post here..but since then ive finally gotten a series together and submitted it with some other paintings to be put in my own shows!!! yay! the series is called "sugary paint" and its about how i strongly identify color with taste..a certain color brings to mind a certain taste. the only frustrating thing to me about seeing a beautiful color is that i cant "grasp and ingest it"...i can only see a color but i want to know and understand color in its entirety, to be able to squish it in my hand and taste it. sounds weird but i just mean to be able to fully experience the color. the series is made up of mint, hot red and pink, white, and deep crimson to bring to mind dessert, which i think is the most indulgent experience of taste. each painting i named a different flavor that i think the painting looks like..

also, today im starting a new 'continuing education' class in life drawing :) hooray naked people. not really. but itll be good! im really excited because i want to start doing portraits but i need to get back in the rhythm of drawing, ive drawn on and off for a while but havent consistently been doing it. so i need to brush up before i tell people i can draw a portrait of their family haha. ill probably put up pictures from the class in the next few months. ok seacrest out

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