Cy Twombly was the 3rd artist to be able to make a permanent piece specifically for the Louvre in 2010 (only a year or so before he passed away this past summer)
he painted the ceiling of the Salle de Bronzes hall and made it more 'Classical' than his usual (and AWESOME) drips and marks. but not unlike the majority of his body of work, it pointed to ancient Greece with its blue "sky", circular forms and names of ancient Greek sculptors written in Greek lettering (like Lysippus, Myron, Phidias, Polyclitus and Praxiteles).
(the other artists who have been recently-in relation to the Louvre's history- invited to produce a permanent work for the Louvre were: Anselm Kiefer in 2007 and Francois Morellet earlier in 2010; but they follow a long list of predecessors, like, Le Brun, Delacroix, Ingres and in the 12th c., Georges Braque.)![](