Saturday, November 27, 2010

nov 27-pictures that have nothing to do with art im making but i love them

my good friend told me about this cool website that she looks at all the time,

i love these pictures, theyre inspiring to me but more than anything i love the compositions

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

nov 23

update on this painting, the images are a lot darker than it really is :/

Monday, November 22, 2010

nov. 22 LOVE LOVE LOVE cy twombly

this is my FAVORITE artist ever. of all time. i found out about Cy Twombly a long time ago but am proud to say was already painting a little bit like him before i saw/knew about his work. his paintings are sooooooo beautiful and stunning

nov 22- anthro

the past few weeks i've had the opportunity to be the temp for the visual team at Anthropologie (at the location where ive been working) -it was a great experience and soo much fun. i was able to help with a lot of visual details in the store but these were some windows that I helped to make