Wednesday, December 15, 2010

dec. 15 starting a new one

i need another dark painting after all these light ones. they'll be better foils for each other when they're all hung together this way.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

dec. 8

done with this one! these are the pictures i took of the process; the one on the bottom is the finished painting :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

nov 27-pictures that have nothing to do with art im making but i love them

my good friend told me about this cool website that she looks at all the time,

i love these pictures, theyre inspiring to me but more than anything i love the compositions

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

nov 23

update on this painting, the images are a lot darker than it really is :/

Monday, November 22, 2010

nov. 22 LOVE LOVE LOVE cy twombly

this is my FAVORITE artist ever. of all time. i found out about Cy Twombly a long time ago but am proud to say was already painting a little bit like him before i saw/knew about his work. his paintings are sooooooo beautiful and stunning

nov 22- anthro

the past few weeks i've had the opportunity to be the temp for the visual team at Anthropologie (at the location where ive been working) -it was a great experience and soo much fun. i was able to help with a lot of visual details in the store but these were some windows that I helped to make

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

...editing and pulling back. i think an image is more powerful if it's understated and edited well. i think an interesting visual image should imply different directions for the viewer to be taken, instead of spelling it all out for them and thus taking away any intrigue.

..i saw a little gallery down by fair park here in dallas and im going to submit these and two other large pthalo blue ones to it. they only ask for 5 at most so we'll see. other than that, i've started/am working on 4 others that will then give me around 10 paintings that i feel strongly about that i can submit to other non-profits and small galleries very soon! yippee skippy

Saturday, September 18, 2010

sep 18

yay for new paintings! ive just started these lil babies

aaand. the turquoise images are of my newest commission that i FINALLY finished. thank the good Lord. i think the sun rose and set in fast motion a thousand times, snow came and melted, spring and summer came and went, the dinosaurs came and left...all while i was in my little cave screwing up and redo-ing this thing over and over. damn. knock me over with a feather. what? i dont know. im delusional and glad to be moving on thats all. in reality it was probably about 2 months. anyways, the furthest image down is the full painting, the others are some close ups. it reminds me of water or rain and hanging gardens :)